Nak menulis entry pasal birthday Danish tempohari. Sambutan bersama Hari Mama dia. “Tetapi dia tak boleh ada cake dan makan cake tersebut.” (Literal translation)
Macam mana tu??
Aku terfikir kenapa ada peribahasa Inggeris macam ni :
“You cannot have one's cake and eat it too”
Macam pelik ja kan. Dah ada boleh la makan. Apasal pulak tak boleh.???
Rupa-rupanya ia bermaksud , anda tak boleh simpan dan makan pada masa yang sama. Kalau nak simpan simpan je lah, Kalau nak makan, maka tak leh simpan.
Ia menjurus kepada pilihan atau pengorbanan, Tak leh ada "best of both world." Ianya mempunyai kaitan dengan “opportunity cost”.
To have something, have to forgo something.
Jadi terjawab lah kenapa “ you cannot have a cake and eat it too.." Ye lah peribahasa org kan...
Sebelum ni aku dok tanya juga ,,dah ade kek tu belasah je lah….
Rupanya salah paham…huhhuhu
Kah kah kah
Nak lebih jelas:
Qoute from wikipedia “You cannot have one's cake and eat it too is a popular English idiomatic proverb or figure of speech, sometimes stated as eat one's cake and have it too or simply have one's cake and eat it. This is most often used negatively, to connote the idea of consuming a thing whilst managing to preserve it. This may also indicate having or wanting more than one can handle or deserve, or trying to have two incompatible things. The proverb's meaning is similar to the phrases, "you can't have it both ways" and "you can't have the best of both worlds." Conversely, in the positive sense, it would refer to "having it both ways" or "having the best of both worlds."”
P.s . Tak de kena mengena dengan kek Danish. Oh dia berdarah bibir dengan banyaknya akibat terjatuh!
Macam mana tu??
Aku terfikir kenapa ada peribahasa Inggeris macam ni :
“You cannot have one's cake and eat it too”
Macam pelik ja kan. Dah ada boleh la makan. Apasal pulak tak boleh.???
Rupa-rupanya ia bermaksud , anda tak boleh simpan dan makan pada masa yang sama. Kalau nak simpan simpan je lah, Kalau nak makan, maka tak leh simpan.
Ia menjurus kepada pilihan atau pengorbanan, Tak leh ada "best of both world." Ianya mempunyai kaitan dengan “opportunity cost”.
To have something, have to forgo something.
Jadi terjawab lah kenapa “ you cannot have a cake and eat it too.." Ye lah peribahasa org kan...
Sebelum ni aku dok tanya juga ,,dah ade kek tu belasah je lah….
Rupanya salah paham…huhhuhu
Kah kah kah
Nak lebih jelas:
Qoute from wikipedia “You cannot have one's cake and eat it too is a popular English idiomatic proverb or figure of speech, sometimes stated as eat one's cake and have it too or simply have one's cake and eat it. This is most often used negatively, to connote the idea of consuming a thing whilst managing to preserve it. This may also indicate having or wanting more than one can handle or deserve, or trying to have two incompatible things. The proverb's meaning is similar to the phrases, "you can't have it both ways" and "you can't have the best of both worlds." Conversely, in the positive sense, it would refer to "having it both ways" or "having the best of both worlds."”
P.s . Tak de kena mengena dengan kek Danish. Oh dia berdarah bibir dengan banyaknya akibat terjatuh!

terkeliur tengok kek coklat.. kalau dah depaan mata ni, sebelum simpana kena gak makan sepotong,,