Semalam bermulanya count-down 100 hari lagi untuk sukan Olimpik . Adakah emas pertama Malaysia akan menjelma. Kalau tak silap berlansungnya dalam bulan Ramadan. Depa mana ambik kira ramadan atau tidak kan...

Sebelum itu, mari kita kenali maskot-maskot Kejohanan Sukan Olimpik sebelum-sebelum ini:
(The mascots of the previous Olympic Games):
1972 Munich -- Waldi, the Dachshund

huh... siap colourful lagi.... ok la zaman dolu dolu kan..
1976 Montreal
-- Amik the beaver

alamak demoknya mascot ni....... ni olimpik ke sumo?
1980 Moscow -- Misha the Bear

yg ni comei,,,mungkin kat rusia banyak bear kot...beruang kutub kan banyak,,logo pun cantik
1984 Los Angeles -- Sam The Eagle

boring logo/mascot ni..macam donald duck!
1988 Seoul -- Hodori the Tiger

Simple and quite nice to see
1992 Barcelona -- Cobi the Dog

Pun comel jugak...boleh la kalau nak buat koleksi
1996 Atlanta -- Izzy, the... we still don't know

nick name dia "sperm in the shoes" ..hahahha
2000 Sydney -- Olly, a kookaburra, Syd, a platypus and Millie, an echidna

meriah nya mascot..kenapa banyak sangat?
2004 Athens -- Athena and Phevos, two dolls from an ancient archeological site in Greece

khas untuk ahli acheology kot...
2008 Beijing -- The Fuwa, 'Good luck dolls' Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, Yingying, and Nini

Mak aiii...ramai la meriah..semeriah penduduk di China
2012 London -- Wenlock and Mandeville, two... we don't know

huh... apa menatang ni...konfius den..
Source: Yahoo7
menarik betul mascots ini... thanks for sharing...