Seorang lelaki telah menulis 'obituary" nya sendiri....
Ringkasnya begini...
-Dia dah nak mati, dah tahu pulak bila dia nak mati ( mungkin akan dicabut life support system dia. tak pasti..kena baca lagi sekali)
- Maka dia menulis dan minta maaf bagai.
- Confess buat salah itu ini.
-Cerita kesakitannya mengidap kanser tekak, tapi sedih meninggalkan isteri yang terpaksa menghadapi hidup keseorangan...akibat dia.
-Kanser tekak akibat merokok..
-Selanjutnya bacalah kat bawah..
Komen aku...
Cer cuba kita pikir sat,, cuba tulis wasiat dan mintak maaf kepada sesiapa yang kita buat salah. Cubalah.... rasanya banyak muka surat kot...
Tulis mana silap kita... kalau aku memang banyak..
Tak tertulis kan... kan.
Jadi lets stop the wrong now... before too late.
Say sorry sementara masih boleh....
Do good... bring laughter to everybody..
Ramadan dah dekat... Yang moleknya, dalam bulan ni, yang tak pakai tudung pun bila pakai org tak kata apa. Tak mengumpat pun..
Yang jarang solat sunat, teriba dok lama kat masjid pun org paham..
Cuba buat bulan lain... org ( esp kawan la, tapi tak semua) akan bergurau,
" eh kau ni dah berubah ek.. Alim lain macam..."Nampak, nampak. Kalau bukan bulan Ramadhan. Nak insaf pun susah..
Kalau Ramadhan org tak kata apa pun. (atau kita pun tak rasa pelik sangat...)Buat lah ibadat lama-lama , sebab apa.. Sebab Ramadhan.. tu indahnya Ramadhan..
Ada Mat Saleh,, org putih tu.. kata, kalau nak lekat habit kita.. Buat selama 23 hari berturut-turut...
Mat Saleh buat kajian tuuu..
Makna kata, kalau kita paksa diri ulang buat benda tu rutin selama 23 hari berturut-turut sure akan jadi habit..
Urm kenapa 23 hari?? aku pun tak pasti...
Aku rasa kalau seseorang tu tak miss terawih 23 mlm ,,sure dia sayang nak miss walau satu hari pun.. Contohnya lah.. Tapi boleh relate la kan..
Jadi 7 mlm terakhir tu dia rasa sayang nak tinggal walaupun bunga api dah pung pang sana sini....
Eh aku ternasihat diri aku pulak. Jangan percaya sangat apa aku tulis ye.. Cer try tengok. Kalau betul betullah. Ni nasihat untuk diri aku sebenarnya... Lets this ramadhan better than last one!!
Oh balik kepada cerita tadi....
Ni dia petikan asal...
Deathbed confession of cancer victim who wrote his own obituary to come clean about his fake doctorate and how he once stole a safe•Val Patterson, 59, died from throat cancer last week
•He wrote his own light-hearted obituary when it was clear his medical condition was worsening
•Friends and family learned on Sunday that Mr Patterson only held a doctorate from the University of Utah thanks to a paperwork mistake
..A man in the final stages of terminal cancer wrote his own obituary shortly before he died last week and used the opportunity to come clean about his past.
Friends and family of Val Patterson, 59, learned on Sunday that the man they thought held a doctorate from the University of Utah only received the degree thanks to a paperwork mistake.
Even more of a surprise was the revelation that the engineer had never even graduated.
Mr Patterson, from Salt Lake City, wrote: 'Also, I really am NOT a PhD.
'What happened was that the day I went to pay off my college student loan at the U of U, the girl working there put my receipt into the wrong stack, and two weeks later, a PhD diploma came in the mail.
'I didn't even graduate, I only had about three years of college credit. In fact, I never did even learn what the letters "PhD" even stood for.
But he had an even bigger shock in store with the confession that he once stole a safe.
He wrote: 'As it turns out, I AM the guy who stole the safe from the Motor View Drive Inn back in June 1971.'
Back in the 1970s: Friends of Mr Patterson learned on Sunday that the man they thought held a doctorate only received the degree thanks to a paperwork mistake
He also seemed to have a problem with theme parks.
He said: 'To Disneyland - you can now throw away that "Banned for Life" file you have on me, I'm not a problem anymore - and SeaWorld San Diego, too, if you read this.'
The light-hearted obituary was published in the Salt Lake Tribune following his death from throat cancer on July 10.
Mr Patterson began writing his own death notice in the first person last year, when it became clear that his medical condition was worsening.
His widow, Mary Jane, told local station KSL-TV that the confessions are true.
""""VAL 'ROCKY' PATTERSON 1953 - 2012
The following obituary was published online for the Salt Lake Tribune and on Below is an abridged version.
I was born in Salt Lake City, March 27 1953. I died of throat cancer on July 10 2012...
I had a lot of fun. It was an honour for me to be friends with some truly great people. I thank you. I've had great joy living and playing with my dog, my cats and my parrot.
Mr Patterson's light-hearted obituary was published in the Salt Lake Tribune following his death from throat cancer on July 10
But, the one special thing that made my spirit whole, is my long love and friendship with my remarkable wife, my beloved Mary Jane. I loved her more than I have words to express. Every moment spent with my Mary Jane was time spent wisely. Over time, I became one with her, inseparable, happy, fulfilled.
I enjoyed one good life. Travelled to every place on Earth that I ever wanted to go. Had every job that I wanted to have. Learned all that I wanted to learn. Fixed everything I wanted to fix. Eaten everything I wanted to eat. My life motto was: 'Anything for a Laugh.'
Now that I have gone to my reward, I have confessions and things I should now say.
As it turns out, I AM the guy who stole the safe from the Motor View Drive Inn back in June, 1971. I could have left that unsaid, but I wanted to get it off my chest.
Also, I really am NOT a PhD. What happened was that the day I went to pay off my college student loan at the U of U, the girl working there put my receipt into the wrong stack, and two weeks later, a PhD diploma came in the mail.
I didn't even graduate, I only had about three years of college credit. In fact, I never did even learn what the letters 'PhD' even stood for.
Mr Patterson's widow, Mary Jane, told local station KSL-TV that the confessions are true
For all of the Electronic Engineers I have worked with, I'm sorry, but you have to admit my designs always worked very well, and were well engineered, and I always made you laugh at work.
Now to that really mean Park Ranger; after all, it was me that rolled those rocks into your geyser and ruined it. I did notice a few years later that you did get Old Faithful working again.
To Disneyland - you can now throw away that 'Banned for Life' file you have on me, I'm not a problem anymore - and SeaWorld San Diego, too, if you read this.
To the gang: We grew up in the very best time to grow up in the history of America. The best music, muscle cars, cheap gas, fun kegs, buying a car for 'a buck a year' - before Salt Lake got ruined by over population and Lake Powell was brand new.
TV was boring back then, so we went outside and actually had lives. We always tried to have as much fun as possible without doing harm to anybody - we did a good job at that...
My regret is that I felt invincible when young and smoked cigarettes when I knew they were bad for me. Now, to make it worse, I have robbed my beloved Mary Jane of a decade or more of the two of us growing old together and laughing at all the thousands of simple things that we have come to enjoy and fill our lives with such happy words and moments.
My pain is enormous, but it pales in comparison to watching my wife feel my pain as she lovingly cares for and comforts me. I feel such the 'thief' now - for stealing so much from her - there is no pill I can take to erase that pain.
If you knew me or not, dear reader, I am happy you got this far into my letter. I speak as a person who had a great life to look back on. My family is following my wishes that I not have a funeral or burial.
If you knew me, remember me in your own way. If you want to live forever, then don't stop breathing, like I did.
A celebration of life will be held on Sunday July 22 from 4pm to 6pm at Starks Funeral Parlor, 3651 South 900 East, Salt Lake City. Casual dress is encouraged. ""
By Graham Smith
Ada berani buat refleksi diri....????
Salam Ramdadhan lagi sekali...