Friday 18 May 2018

Bila masa aku di Vietnam... - Meanwhile, when I was in Vietnam (Photos)

Assalamualaikum bloggers and readers..

Just to share some of the photso when we were in Vietnam...
No idea to write much...

And coincidentally there was a festival,
Flowers form Da Nang brought to Ho Chin Minh City..and there were a lot of tulips also,,

Salam Ramadhan Kareem..

Assalamualaikum bloggers dan pembaca sekelian..

Salam Ramadhan Kareem.

Moga diberikan keberkatan dan mampu merubah ke arah yang lebih baik.

Semoga kita semua diberikan kebahagian dan kejayaan di dunia dan akhirat.

Saturday 5 May 2018

Lanjut Beach and Golf Resort..rupanya ia permata di daerah ini..jom explore!

Assalamualaikum bloggers and readers..

Watch out for this place...
You will be amazed..
Forget the unforgetable..peace and tranquility..

Writer was at this place and it is a gem..
Waiting to be explored..

Opening soon..

Konon konon posing..

.and i love it.!!
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