
Sunday 25 December 2022

Tulisan tak habis

Assalamualaikum bloggers and readers..

YA. Cerita pasal makan makan lagi. Eh tak selalu kan cerita pasal makan.
Sebenarnya balik kampung tempohari banyakk perancangan yang dibuat. Nak pergi waterfall kat Changlun sana apa ka nama dia, Wang Perah?
KAt utara ni banyak nama Wang, korang perasan tak . Wang Kelian, Bukit Wang, Wang Perah, Antaranya..

Apakah maksudnya. Wang tu entah entah dalambahasa siam bukit ka apa.. wohahaha.. Tak tau lah

Nak pi pusing Peghelih makan.

Panjat Gunug Keriang..

Tetapi disebab urusan keluarga dan ayah tak sihat maka kansel semua. Menumpahkan budi ountuk ayah dan menjaga nya.

Hanya hari terakhir sempat jenjalan

Kami pun ke utara lagi ..masuk negeri jiran. Bukan negara jiran tau. Pi pengelih ja.. Dalam 20 minit dan sampai sempadan negeri.

Oh sat sat ..nak pi kenduri akikah rumah jiran.. dah nak start tahlil.. kul 11..lagi 15 minit.

Sambung nanti

Tuesday 20 December 2022

Arrived home. Alhamdulillah

Assalamualaikum bloggers and readers..

Alhamdulillah baru sampai ke rumah. Bercuti dengan beberapa orang anak ke kg. Balik kampung sebenarnya. Dalam balik kampung sempat bidding lelongan online tempohari. First time ooo. Dan dapat menang bid.
Gempaq kan. Ya lah first time. Everything had it " first time moment". New territory la ni
Adakah murah atau fair price atau over price.?
Betol. Menang bid bukan bererti kau because or it just you willing to pay more than others. Just a bit more.
Surely an eye opening experience. Should i keep on fighting? What is my budget? 
You gonna stop somewhere and hope the others stop a bit early than you. You must know your limit. Not your "want". Versus the value you see in it.

Its depend on macam mana kita tengok value sesuatu barang. 
Macam helmet ka motor RXZ tu kan pun harga meletop. So setiap orang ada nilai tersendiri terhadap sesuatu benda. 

Me? I am  priceless..wohahahaha.

Travel fairly smooth. A trafiic here and there but moving. Yeah no rush..
Amik masa pergi jumpa ayah yang uzur kat rumah adik. Sembang lagi sat. But my dad not a talkative kinda dad.
 Maybe like me..wohahhhaa.. Senyap je. ye ke?

Then tengah hari baru gerak. 
Lagi pun Lurvy food poisoning. Dia sorang pulak tu.
Ingat pepagi nak seek treatment dan kalau need to be stay lagi sampai dia ok.
Sebab Lurvy ada sejarah masuk ward pasal food poisoning.

Dua hari sebelum tu jumpa kawan sekampung yang kebetulan bercuti. Pendekkan cerita, sembang punya sembang dia pun cerita lah anak dia meninggal food posoning 5 years back.

Tu lah ujian orang kan. Tak sama ujian kita. Mohonlah agar kita tak diuji sebegitu.

Depa kuat. 

Ok. Now banjir kat pantai timur dan kat sini , lembah klang pun kehujanan. Semoga dipermudahkan urusan mereka yang ditimpa musibah.  Bayangkan bagaimana mereka tidak dapat tidor semalam akibat air naik dan bumbung tiris. sedangkan kita nyenyak dibuai mimpi.

Bayang mereka yang risau bantuan dan makanan sampai sedangkan kita bergumbira sekfie dengan starbuck.

Bayangkan ada yang meninggal kena kejutan elektrik sedang kita me round round IOI City Mall dan kegemerlapan hiasan.

Bayang kan kesedihan dan kesusahan orang akan meletakkan kita di realiti sebenar.
Kita cuma bernasib ( di baca: belum teruji) . Bukannya kita ni hebat sangat. Tiada sesuatu pun upaya kita ,,hanya Allah yang Maha Berkuasa.

Tanah runtuh kat Batang Kali ke arah genting Highland pun tak tersangka akan terjadi. Tak semestinya ada dusun musang king ka..pembalakan ka. Tu lah..nak jadi jadi juga.

Monday 19 December 2022

Argentina tetap no.2 di hatiku

Assalamualaikum bloggers and readers..

Estatic!! Sheer enjoyment.

Hari ni antara hari2 yang best dan tergembira.
Setelah menunggu Argentina menjlang piala dunia buat kali seterusnya. Maka malam tadi tercapai untuk aku melihat team Argentina dan Messi khususnya, menjulang Piala Dunia.
Meminati pasukan Argentina sejak 1982, terutamanya ketika Deigo Maradona menggalas tanggungjawab mengetuai pasukan, dan memenanginya pada tahun 1986 di Mexico, kini barulah Argentina kembali menjadi juara.

Wow..what a game. Hebat perlawanan akhir. France "tidak bermain" selama 75 minit, ketinggalan 0-2, tiada percubaan kearah gol sebelum itu,
Bayangkan lah, betapa one-side-game jadinya. Pelik ketika France tak melawan.
Tetapi itu lah bola. Emosi macam roller coaster. Mbappe mencetak dua gol 10 minit terakhir.
Mengheret ke masa tambahan. 
Messi score dalam masa tambahan!
France membalasnya melalui penalti Mbappe.

Tak ke gila final ni.
Dalam bola memacam boleh berlaku dan macam macam itulah yang berlaku malam tadi.

Apapun sangat happy Argentina menang, Begitulah nasib penyokong Malaysia. Kena ada team yg disokong dek kerana kita belum mampu ke pusingan akhir piala dunia.
Manalah tahu kan.. Satu hari nanti  .

Argentina tetap no 2 di hati ku. Walaupun hebat. Walaupun world class.

Kerana aku aku yang no 1. MALAYSIA

Sunday 18 December 2022

Bola dan lelongan.

Assalamualaikum bloggers and readers..

Cerita pasal bola hari ni dulu.

Sebab team favourite aku mara ke  final,

Semoga Argentina menjadi champion utk tournament kali ini.

Kita tunggu penutup World Cup yg menarik edisi kali. 
Qatar :dihentam keliling" oleh media dan pihak barat namun bagi aku ianya penganjuran yang hebat.

Maybe ada kekurangan, tadi yg digembar gembur oleh media barat seolah² semuanya teruk. Itulah agenda mereka, lbgtq..alkohol..tah apa².. sukan pun nak campur-adukkan benda² macam ni

Apapun, .
Come on Argentina!! All the best mlm ni..

2. Aku berjaya dlm lelongan rumah..secara online. Tak sangka, namun bukanlah kejutan sebab aku fight hard ni
Nanti cerita lagi.

Monday 5 December 2022

Makan kat Astana Putra

Selalu lalu situ nampak banner bunyi lebih kurang macam ni.
"Set  Nasi Kambing kat Kubur, Tak seram tapi sedap"
Aku uat dek ja kan..
sebab nak masuk situ kena masuk awal dekat Lebuhraya silicon UPM. Ala situ la

Hujung minggu baru2 lalu lagi kawasan tu. Err  memang agak kerap la kan..
dalam kereta, jeling Lurvy .. Jom try nasi kambing kat situ. Lurvy sentiasa ok je bila aku ajak..tak pernah tak ok.

Kan dah tewas dek iklan dan banner mcm tu.

Ye lah kalau tak dak banner tu tak maunya aku kona ke situ.
100% aku tertarik nak try sebab teknik pemasaran mereka.

Aku order set daging kambing.
Lurvy biasa lah tak mau heavy. Koew Tiaw Goreng ja yang dipilih.
nak makan ringan-ringan.

Ok rasa set yang aku amik sedap. Portion nya banyak. Kambing 2 ketul besar-besar.
Koew Tiaw goreng pun sodap ja.
Boleh la korang try.
Harga subjectif la kan. .Maybe agak tinggi sikit aku rasa.
So memasing lah. Check photo photo berikut utk price dan "plating"

Sunday 4 December 2022

Sarapan dua kali..adeh.

Assalamualaikum bloggers and readers..

Dua kali minum pagi hari. Kat Melaka.
Satu full blast breakfast. Nasi lemak roti canai dan bihun.. ni utk 3 orang ye.
Dia punya teh tarik manih sungguh. Awat org Melaka ni memang minum manis ka.
Patut la semua manis-manis. Lurvy pun cakap manis je org Melake.. ehehe.

Then hantar Aisya ke MRSM Terendak. Ujian UKKM.
2 j 30 minit. Tempoh agak lama dan tak leh stay dlm.kawasan sekolah. 
Jadi keluar lah kami berdua ke Cheng
Cari port nak lepak.. akhirnya ke McD.
Pekena kek pulakkk.

Manis lagi.. 
Tak leh buat selalu. Rugi riadah dan senaman kalau badan banyak menerima yang manis manis.

Bercakap pasal senaman semalam join oldboys futsal. Ok la result , DLLW.
Yang lain semua muda..12 tahun junior. Kira ok la team  kami. Wohaha.

Hari ni lenguh² badan. Amik masa nak recover. Setahun sekali berfutsal..camni lah.

Tuesday 29 November 2022

Pause then move on..

Assalamualaikum bloggers and readers..

Sebenarnya aku agak letih dan lelah dua tiga minggu ni. 
Election fatigue maybe.. Malaysia takkan habis berpolitik. Hahah
Lots of thinking.
Lot of everything.
World cup.
Shocker jap Argentina kalah.

Semua lah,,

Hanya Tuhan sahaja yang memberi kekuatan untuk bangkit.
Kita tak akan kalah kecuali kita yang merasa kalah.

Terkadang kita perlu mengalah.
Melangkah kebelakang untuk melonjak lebih jauh.
Berhenti sekejap untuk melepas lelah.

What would we do now?
Reflect. pause. and keep moving.
Life is not about us.
Earth keep rotating,..
Life is a journey.
Everything  is a journey.. till your draw your last breath.
Till world become blank .. in your eyes.
then you stop.. or correctly u are stopped.
You are dead..kaku..
Ketika ini lah kau tak perlu berjuang.
Tak perlu bergerak..
Hmm.. tak perlu mengeluh.. keluh kesah, atau Buntu.
Be the best of you..
With the one you love..

Monday 21 November 2022

Catatan ku pasal PRU 15 dan kemelut terkini: Sebuah anologi sipi-sipi

Catatan 11.31 am



Terpanggil untuk mengomen dan mencatat apa yang tebuku / tersurat utk rujukan masa depan.

 For the first time reader. 

Ahlan wa sahlan. 

Welcome to my blog. Yang kekadang rajin aku tulis kekadang sunyi sepi.


“Live” sekarang pada Ketika ini, jika aku membaca dan menoleh dari masa depan, adalah kemelut untuk membentuk kerajaan pasca PRU ke 15 2022.


Satu keputusan PRU yang menarik dan mengejutkan namun bukanlah tidak terjangka. Untuk result penuh tak perlu aku tulis , aku dan readers boleh google waima 10 tahun lagi.

Dan , bila kita embrace demokrasi kita kena menerimanya. Redha dengan keputusan? Tak redho? Bukan boleh buat apa2 dah. Bila system demokrasi dipilih ada yang menang ada yang kalah. menang tapi tak sampai "tagan" pun ada

Pembaca sekelian:

Akan ada naratif atau pertanyaan:

Org parti A kata : awat lah depa ni masih adad  sokong parti B.?


Org parti B kata: awat lah depa ni masih ada sokong parti C.?


Org parti C kata : awat lah depa ni masih ada  sokong parti B.?

Org parti A dan C kata : awat lah depa ni masih adad ok sokong parti B.?

Org parti B dan C kata : awat lah depa ni masih adad ok sokong parti A.?

 Dan seterusnya….tak perlu dicatatkan pertanyaan demi pertanyaan?


JAwapan kepada "awat" tu ialah: Ya akan ada dan terus akan ada. 

Janagn Ingat semua orang berfikiran sama dengan kita. 

Awat ingat semua org mempunyai prinsip sama semuanya.

Awat semua org memegang falsafah yang sama dalam memilih parti.???

 oleh kerana  tak sama. 

Akan ada orang yang pilih parti lain.

Gaduh lah  sampai kucing bertanduk pun tak selesai.


 Ok setel bab tu.

 Kemelut sekarang.. aku bagi satu analogi:


19 Nov ada tiga bala tentera yang besaq bertembung. 

Dan selain  pertembungan, tu ada juga satu gabungan di timur ufuk berperang dan menang. Total nya 4 la kan secara nak mudahnya.

 Berperanglah mereka semua. senjata media serta hamburan serta kutukan serta “fitnah” ( sila baca: sudut pandang mana yang kata fitnah namun sudut satu lagi kata ok) serta lain lain senjata maya dan ceramah mega.

Peperangan hebat dan kesimpulan telah diketahui usai pagi 20/November/2022. Ada yang menang, tak luka sikit pun. Ada yang menang tapi luka parah. Yang kalah, yang lunyai. 

Yang tak sangka menang, kalah.

Yang yakin menang, kalah.


Jadi 4 gerombolan atau bala tentera ni pun re-group, lick the wound. Org putih kata : after the dust settle, barulah terima kenyataan ( dan ada juga yang tak boleh terima kenyataan) biasalah.

 side note: Kalau Brazil kalah dengan Jerman world cup 2014 dengan jaringan 7 0 pun ramai tak percaya. Tapi it is what it is. Brazil move on. Jerman move on. Life like that..


Now kembali kepada PRU....analogi nya begini pulak:

Bila berkumpul dan regroup. Ada 2 bala tentera yang menang paling banyak, yang luka tapi menang, yang parah tapi menang ,,naik lah bus (atau bot atau apa saja analogi kenderaan ) untuk memasuki wilayah berwarna kuning utk menuntut kemenangan.

Namun syarat untuk masuk ialah bas ni mesti penuh seramai 112 org  atau lebih. Lebih tak pa.

 kurang dari 112 tak boleh. Kalau tak penuh bas tak boleh jalan.. itu rule dia.

Hang belemuih ka. Kotor ka. Baju suci bersih ka. Boleh naik bas tu. Mula2  dua dua bas kata hat bersih elok ja boleh naik, La ni nak penuhi syarat kena bagi penuh 112 org atau lebih, belemoih pun belemoih lahhh

Maka naiklah dua bas…. dua-dua plet P. Satu bas plet PH seramai 82 orang dan satu lagi bas PN 71. Bas ni saja nampaknya boleh penuh. Kalau nak penuh pun. Salah satu akan bergerak, Nampaknya setakat ni. Boleh juga tak bergerak-gerak. Mungkin..

Makanya kena jemput lah yang lain yang menang naik untuk nak bagi penuh. 

(Ni mcm teksi Mercedes bagak aku naik nak pi Yit Foong Ipoh dari taman cempaka.  Tak penuh tak jalan. .. tu dulu..tunggu la berjam)

 Macam tu lah bus ni pun. 

( Macam syarat carpool kat Jakarta yang kata nak masuk bandar kereta kena penuh atau ada penumpang kalau tak silap)

Depa kutip orang Jalan kaki kat Tanah Abang atau pinggir2 kota utk naik supaya boleh masuk kota Jakarta.

Ok berbalik  pasca PRU15 malaysia:

Bas masih tak penuh..

 Plet PH tak penuh, plet PN tak penuh.

Nak penuh kena ajak tentera yang menang di kalangan satu pihak yang bernama BN.

Sebelum perang macam depa dok kata kat “hang aku.” Kata dan tuduh memacam. Semua pihak. Bukan satu ja. Sebab ayat adalah senjata. (Bab betoi ka dak, kita sebagai org Islam kena tahu ada balasannya nanti.)

  Hatnu kotoq ..hat nu keruh,

hat liberal, hat nu belit,

hat nu fitnah. Hat kominis,

hat Taliban.  Hat rasuah , hat nepotisme.

Hat anak beranak, hat tua bangka, Hat muda.

Hat mundur. hat lbgttq.

Hat penunggang agama, hat tunggang belakang.

Hat bodoh . hat banngang

Hat lebai, hat sakau

Uishh banyak..banyak tuan2 kata depa dok kata masa kempen. Kalau tengok balik ntah ntah depa pun malu

 Kalau aku nak senaraikan semua memang banyak. Namun kata-kata itulah merupakan bullet atau senjata semasa perang. MAcam aku kata tadi. akan ada balasan kalau fakta tak benar. Akhirat nanti

BN pulak being labelled as  rasuah dan penyakau  atau penyamun by both PH dan PN.  Bullet paling ampuh. Ya salah satu bullet ..dan itulah perang PRU. 


Rakyat telah memilih.

Dan ramai lah yang kalah dari gerombolan BN. Tinggai 30 org yang selamat


Ketua BN ni kawan dengan drebar bas plet PH.

Ada yang mau naik bas PH namun ada yang tak mau.

La ni hat org dok kata sakau nil ah yang kena “mot”  (muat atau di jemput naik ) dalam bas. Dua dua bus! Yang mana BN akan dipilih?

Yang blok ufuk timur dari Borneo awai-awai lagi naik bas plet PN.

Adakah BN naik bas PH.

Atau naik bas PN.

Atau separuh separuh???

Adakah bila BN naik bas PH, blok Borneo ni turun bas PN dan naik bas PH.

 Kenkawan, macam macam boleh berlaku. Tunggu sajalah.


Sehingga takat ni kata muktamad dah diberi supaya masuk wilayah kuning sebelum pukul 2pm dan mestila penuh dengan 112 atau lebih.

Apapun satu bas akan penuh dan akan bergerak..Sabarrr..

Apa yang berlaku.

Set kito jgn pecah.

HP wasap boleh pecah tapi persaudaraan jgn putus.

Kita tunggu saja..


“Kita boleh merancang. strategies.plot twist, namun ingatlah sesungguhnya Allah Maha Perancang”


NBS. Putrajaya. 12.11 pm.

p.s Lagi 2 jam bas nak jalan

Bus or flight or boat delayed to next day..
Please keep your ticket and follow instruction to claim your hotel accomadation. Tq

Monday 17 October 2022

Semoga kita semua dilindungi

"Saya tak tinggal awak, Yang (Sayang)."

itu raungan si suami di kala kereta terbakar di kemalangan maut di Johor.
Dan api terus marak maembakar kereta dan isinya.


Dan tiada apa yang dapat dilakukan

Hanya melihat dengan sebak dan syahdu. Badan hampir kaku melihat kebakaran. Tiada upaya untuk bergerak.
Hanya mulut mampu menjerit.
Dan air mata yang mengalir.

Sedih kan.

Semoga roh arwah si isteri di rahmati Allah dan si suami terus tabah.

Nauzubillah. Doa agar kita dilindungi dari mara bahaya yang nampak atau tak nampak.

Jauhi lah kemalangan samaada ddari kealpaan kita atau bukan salah kita tetapi kegopohan orang lain.

Semoga kita terlindung dari tragedi dan dijauhi dari ujian yang tak mampu kita hadapi.

Kita pastinya merasa kehilangan dan pernah kehilangan.
Itulah kitaran hidup, Pasti nya mati dan meninggalkan dunia yang fana.

Kehilangan menyebabkan kita tersadar.
Kehilangan yang mengesankan diri.
Meninggalkan memori yang tak pudar.
Terus kekal  di hati  sanubari.

Hargailah apa yang ada.
Kecapilah kebahgiaan seada nya.
Jangan pernah terlalu kecewa.
Kerana ada natijah dan hikmahnya.
Disana abadi dan tentulah kita nak bahagia,
Hidup hanya sementara.
Bersyukur dan berusaha ke arah yng terbaik

Friday 14 October 2022

Tiada dua

Assalamualaikum bloggers and readers..

Maka terbubarlah la parlimen. seusai pengumuman oleh YAB Perdana Menteri.

Jalan terus. Game on lah kan. 

Takmo komen pasal politik sbb kat media social lain danh banyak post, dah lama isu dan kebaikan (atau kelemahan) dibangkit oleh kawan dan lawan. Memasinng boleh nilai.

Mohon bezakan antara fitnah dan kebenaran.
Jangan sambungkan fitnah di arena maya. Tak baik tau  dan natijahnya berat

Dan  nanti, buatlah pilihan yang terbaik bagi masing2 dan pilihan ditangan anda.
Tak pasti tanya. 
Jgn berdasar emosi. 

Dan sekarang ni memasing dah decided dah kot. Takkan benda berlaku bertahun dan semua dah tau, dengan hanya propa last minit boleh tukar pilihan.

Tapi choice is us. Nak beli stokin pun banyak faktor dan kriteria. Panjang la, jenis kain, sejuk kan panas ka nipis ka tebal ka, Harga lagi. Brand lagi.

so yang ni untuk masa depan kita dan generasai serta legasi yang kita tinggalkan.

 pikiaq memolek. Semua dah besaq panjang. Bimbinglah yang Undi18 untuk buat penilaian yang betul

Semoga yang terbaik untuk Malaysia, kerana inilah satu-satunya negara kita. Tiada dua!

Thursday 6 October 2022

Coretan tipis dan pendek

Assalamualaikum bloggers and readers..
Pelbagai peristiwa berlaku, terutamanya ( Notably):

1. Mancity menang menentang M.U...komen aku:
Satu derby yang aku tunggu.
Haaland is the beast.
Harap "form" Man City continue.

2. Pi legoland and Jb hari tu .. enjoy ngan anak2 dan family.
Kalau free nak masuk posting sini nanti.
sedar tak sedar..hermm sedar la. Anak2 dan besar. Namun ada yang masih ajak pi Legoland. So sebelum depa dah tak minat berjalan dengan kita as parent ni. Baik kita luangkan masa bersama anak2.
Seriously, time flies fast. 

3. Siapkan 2 assignment.
lah , macam masa student dulu rasanya pulak. Buat assignment, bind dan submit. Kalut semacam la pulak. Terkenang masa uni dulu.

4. JDT menang liga Msia.
Tahniah JDT . Memang deserve menang dengan barisan pemain2  Malaysia ditambah import berkualiti.
Quite a tall order untuk team lain kejar. Hope semuanya memberi kebaikan kepada team nasional kita juga. Dan meningkat kualiti liga.
-ikhlas- penyokong Kedah-


Tuesday 13 September 2022

Sukan sekolah

Assalamualaikum bloggers and readers..

Hari Jumaat baru-baru ni ambil peluang untuk bersama-sama anak-anak dalam acara sukan tahunan sekolah. Inilah antara program-program sekolah yang aku boleh attend selain PIBG dan aktiviti luar.

Kalau depa exam mana boleh join kan.

Anak-anak  pun expect abah depa pergi support.

Jadi aku pun apply cuti.

So pepagi lagi dah bergerak ke Komplek Sukan UPM Serdang. Pukul 7.30am suppose to start kan. Tapi banyak sangat gimik nya perbarisan hinggakan pukul baru mula acara lari.


Timing maybe lari ni, sebab hari Jumaat, aku fikir.

Bila buka buku program digital ianya patut habs 12 atau 12.30 noon.

Apapun dipendekkan story, memang bersambug lepas Jumaat. Lari timing banyak sangat.

Takpelah.. aku dah diskus denagn PKHEM supaya kena ada event manager yang jaga timing supaya kalau behind schedule tu yang lain kena pederas. Cepatkan supaya dapat kejar masa.

Atau pun jangan buatfull event  sukan hari Jumaat. Kalau tak boleh juga buat selected event ja. Acara gimik perbarisan kena limitkan 90 saat ke, Sebab event ialah sukan. Jangan ber”tik tok” banyak sangat.


Alhamdulillah acara habis pukul 4pm, dan anak-anak semua berjaya dapat pingat. Dari gangsa hinggalah emas.

Thursday 8 September 2022

Uncle D Restoran Kg Bharu

Sotong celup tepung rm10/100g.

Kerang 7/10

Telur bungkus 8/10

Hujan lebat sekarang ni dan agak lama disini ..
Hmm malam minggu mlm Jumaat. 

Asalnya nak berjalan² sambil cari gerai yg tak pernah kami try. Ingat nak berjalan jauh sikit.
Rupanya nak jadi asbab..hampir hujan tadi maka terus pilih kedai ni.. Depan ja Legasi Kg Bharu.
Sedang berlangsung berdating dengan Lurvy.. 
Maka snap gambar dulu..dan post.

Makanan sedap..
Overall 7.5/10

Sebab apa 7.5  sahaja..sebab aku benchmark dengan kedai kat Pendas Johor..nanti buat posting tu

Nasi goreng kampung 7/10

P.s Lurvy order nasi paprik seafood. Aku nak kena habiskan nih. Mau nya berat tak naik.

Tuesday 6 September 2022

Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 dah diterima

Assalamualaikum bloggers and readers..

Alhamdulillah..telah menerima barangan yang ditempah atas talian.
Pre-order Samsung Watch 5 sebelum 31 Ogos lepas. 
Hari ni sampai.

So buat entry pasal ni dulu. Banyak activity dengan anak-anak sempena cuti sekolah ni.

Dalam gambar tangan pun golap.. Tiber..
Mungkin unboxing memalam..Cahaya tak cukup.

Ataupun sebab sunburn pi Legoland dua hari..

Apa pun jam ni sebenarnya menggantikan Gear 1 yang telah tak menerima charge. Ya charge dah tak masuk. Rosak ka gena pun tak pasti. Lasak sangat ke atau memang dah expired. 

Dah lama kan. ( alasan nak beli baru)

Lagi satu sebab, nak menggantikan sebab aku perlu untuk monitor dengupan jantung yang tetiba datang ataupun palpitation tu.Tapi doktor dah dua orang kata not to worry much. 
Tapi function ni dah ada elok la juga.

Seterusnya nak jogging la kan , nak improve distance, monitor heart rate, pace dll.

Eh kena justify ke kenapa aku beli,, Lohh.. tak perlu kot

So esok boleh try test..
kena guna sepenuhnya ikut function . 
Tak mau nice to have..sebab ada heart rate measurement la,, distance la tapi tak guna pun. Baik takyah beli betul tak

Monday 29 August 2022

Malaysia is a blessed country

Assalamualaikum bloggers and readers..

A lot of things happened. A lot of brouhaha and emotional rides  since last week. When the was a conviction and judgement was out. Feeling of sympathy, anger. sadness, happy, sorrow, relief, believe (unbelieve) and dumfounded.

Honestly aku tak mau menulis pasal politik dan try to be independent sbb tak semua org suka. Aku betulkan, tak semua orang suka bila kita berbeza. Lumrah, kita hanya akan suka org yang sekepala dengan kita. Jadi aku seboleh-bolehnya takmau tulis. Tapi kita kan punya perasaan, kalau tulis tu biar dari hati. Asalkan tak mengata orang atau buat berita palsu. Berlainan endapat tu biasa.

 Here apa rasakan setelah seminggu lebih kurang bekas PM kita dipenjara.
Mula-mula rasa relief. Penjenayah di penjara. Tu sepatutnya kan. Bagi aku lah. Yang salah yang rompak duit rakyat memang patut la kan. 
Kalau tak, rosak lah negara, org yang salah kalau selamat mana mungkin. 

So, sapa kata dia salah?? Mahkamah Malaysia. Hermm... kita kena tust the system la kan. So kalau salah kata mahkamah, yang bersidang berbagai peringkat tu, siapa kita nak sangkal. Agak dangkal lah kalau kata kita hebat.

ok,kejap2.. Mungkin mahkamah buat silap. Tapi sampai 3 mahkamah silap lagi ka..

So aku relief sbb sekurang-kurang sapa yang buat hal dengan duit negara akan pikir semasak-masaknya. Bukan negara ini milik depa yang elit. Milik semua. Salah kena tanggung.

Tetapi bila fikir-fikir balik kesian la pulak. Duduk di kayangan kemudian sebelum ni,, fly kepalterbang Malaysia One ada escot.. Secret service dok jadi. ya lah orang no 1 negara.

Kemudian tercampak ke penjara. Simpati dengan orang, sebab kita manusia biasa. Orang Melayu. kesiann. Analoginya macam aku la. MArah anak, sebab buat salah. Memang salah. Pastu anak menangis. Kita tetap punish seadanya. Tahan emosi sebab nak didik anak. 

Lepas tu bila malam tengok anak tidur, sebak juga. Eh ke aku je rasa camni??

Macam tu bila kau pikir tang yang MO1 kena jail ni. kesian juga, tapi kena la masuk penjara. Dah salah.

Sapa kata salah. La tadi aku kan dah habaq, mahkamah kata dia salah. Percaya ke tak terpulang kapada value atau nilai memasing. Ada yang "in denial.". ada yang tak percaya. entahlah..

So cukuplah kan bab ni. Ini apa aku rasa. Lain orang lain rasa.
Analogi: Seorang ibu takkan percaya anaknya membunuh, contoh ya. Anaknya hisap gam. Anak buat salah. Anak pun pandai drama. 

So cukup lah .. takmo pepanjang lagi.

 Lets move forward. Percayalah kepada  keluhuran perlembagaan dan kedaulatan undang-undang.
Malaysia negara yang diberkati. Jaga lah sesama.
Jangan kita hancurkan masa depan generasi anak2 kita dengan rasuah dll.

Wednesday 24 August 2022

Grounds of Judgement

Assalamualaikum bloggers and readers..

I  really relieved
Justice served, there is a hope for Malaysia.
Even though i would be a dark day for our beloved country, never in history PM ( or ex) sent to jail but like judges mentioned in their judgement, it is a straightforward case.

Lets move on, and lets justice prevails. For others, For the leaders. i warn you..
Dont dare to steal people money. !!!

Jatuh dari tempat tinggi memang sakit

 And i would like to save this:


The appellant in this case is the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib bin Haji Abdul Razak. He was charged with seven offences against his conduct in relation to a company called SRC International Sdn Bhd (‘SRC’). The High Court found him guilty and convicted him on all seven charges. The sentence imposed on the appellant is an aggregate concurrent custodial sentence of twelve years and a fine of RM210 million (in default 5 years’ imprisonment). The Court of Appeal affirmed the conviction on all seven charges and the sentence imposed. In these three appeals before us, the appellant challenges the conviction and sentence.

We must state that the respondent has not challenged the measure of the sentence imposed against the appellant.

The seven charges against the appellant are, in summary, simply these. The first charge relates to abuse of power under section 23 of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 (‘MACC Act 2009’). The next three charges are on criminal breach of trust under section 409 of the Penal Code while the last three charges are under section 4(1)(b) of the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001 (‘AMLATFAPUAA 2001’).

At the outset, we state that counsel for the appellant, Tuan Haji Hisyam Teh, impressed upon us with considerable fervour that these appeals concern strong serious points of law and fact. In point of fact, we find that there is nothing complex in these appeals. Putting aside the personality of the appellant, this is a simple and straightforward case of abuse of power, criminal breach of trust and money laundering.

The trial itself took an aggregate number of at least 86 days (57 for the prosecution case and 29 days for the defence). It is understandable that the trial took that long because of the number of witnesses involved, the sheer number of documents and due to the fact that a great part of the trial took place during the Covid-19 Pandemic. However, these considerations do not in themselves render the case complex.

The area of the law is very much settled. There is an abundance of cases on abuse of power under the MACC Act 2009 and money laundering under AMLATFAPUAA 2001. The Penal Code too, was first enacted in 1936 and section 409 and the entire body of law on criminal breach of trust has developed since then. There are to our minds, no novel legal issues on this area of the law. The issues in these appeals mostly concern findings of fact and the application of settled law to the facts. It bears mentioning, and this will be elaborated in greater detail later, that as the apex Court, our role is not to make new findings of fact but to consider whether the existing findings and the application of the law to the facts are correct.

Before we proceed to state our decision, we must first address some preliminary issues.


Counsel for the Appellant’s Refusal to Make Submissions

These appeals were fixed for hearing on the 15th of August to the 19th of August 2022 and the 23rd of August to the 26th of August 2022. This constitutes a total of nine days.

The first two days of the appeal, the 15-16.8.2022, were spent on the appellant’s motions to adduce additional evidence. We considered the motions and on 16.8.2022, after careful deliberation, we unanimously dismissed them with written grounds stating our reasons for doing so. On the same day 16.8.2022, we instructed parties to proceed with the substantive merits of the appeals. Tuan Haji Hisyam Teh, counsel for the appellant then stated that he and his team, being the new lawyers for the appellant, were not prepared to argue the appeals and moved to adjourn the appeals for three to four months.

We stood down to consider the application for adjournment and on 16.8.2022 itself, we refused the adjournment and provided our written grounds stating our reasons. In those written broad grounds, we set out the procedural history leading up to the appeals and how parties were well aware that the appeals will proceed as scheduled and that the reason of not being ready to argue the appeals would not be accepted. While the appellant was entitled to change his counsel from Messrs. Shafee & Co. to Messrs. Zaid Ibrahim Suflan TH Liew & Partners, he did so mindful of the date of the appeals. He cannot then turn around and say, having changed them so late in the day and counsel having accepted the brief when they did, that new counsel and solicitors are not ready. In any event, we decided to commence the hearing on 18.8.2022 (Thursday) so as to allow counsel for the appellant time to organise themselves.

On the morning of 18.8.2022, counsel for the appellant moved to adjourn the appeals on the same ground namely that he and his team were not prepared. We rejected this ground. With the adjournment refused, Tuan Haji Hisyam Teh then moved to discharge himself as counsel for the appellant. We keep in mind that the Court possesses inherent jurisdiction to ensure that it can fulfil its mandate to administer justice, to prevent any abuse of process, and to ensure the machinery of the courts function in an orderly and effective manner. As counsel are key actors in the administration of justice, the Court has supervisory jurisdiction and authority to exercise inherent and supervisory control over counsel when necessary to protect its process. Hence, the Court, in invoking its inherent jurisdiction, refused counsel’s application to discharge himself as that would have left the appellant unrepresented. Tuan Haji Hisyam Teh thus remained on record as counsel for the appellant.

After discharge was refused, we invited Tuan Haji Hisyam Teh to make his submissions on the merits of the appeals. He refused. We then proposed that the respondent submit first with a view to providing Tuan Haji Hisyam Teh time to prepare his submission. We asked Tuan Haji Hisyam Teh whether he would rely on the submission filed by the appellant in the Court of Appeal. He confirmed that he would rely on them. The respondent commenced their submissions in the morning and we break for lunch thereafter. After the lunch break, Tuan Haji Hisyam Teh informed the Court that ‘the correct position is that the Court can rely on the appeal records’ which would include the submissions filed in support of the appeal in the Court of Appeal. Most critically, counsel for the appellant requested for leave to file written submissions in the Federal Court and perhaps to amend the petition of appeal. We duly allowed counsel for the appellant full liberty to do so. Thereafter, the respondent completed their submission for the day and requested to continue the rest of their oral submission on the next day.

On 19.8.2022 (Friday), before the respondent continued with their oral submission, Tuan Haji Hisyam Teh informed the Court that the appellant had of his own accord, discharged his solicitors Messrs. Zaid Ibrahim Suflan TH Liew & Partners. Tuan Haji Hisyam Teh and his supporting counsel were present in Court throughout the hearing. By the end of the day, the respondent completed their oral submission on the appeals.

At this point, it bears repeating that first, on 18.8.2022, Tuan Haji Hisyam Teh stated that he would rely on the submissions filed in the Court of Appeal. He then stated that this Court could instead, as a matter of course rely on those submissions as they comprise part of the records of appeals. Counsel then asked for permission to file written submissions, and if need be, amend the petition of appeal. At the close of the hearing on 19.8.2022, however, counsel took a different position stating that he would not be making any submission despite the Court having given him the opportunity to do so.

In fact, we asked counsel on 19.8.2022 (Friday) if he would submit on Tuesday, 23.8.2022 which was the next date fixed for hearing. Tuan Haji Hisyam Teh stated that he would not be submitting. We clarified whether this included even oral submission, and counsel confirmed that he would not be making any submission on any of the 94 grounds of appeal in the petition of appeal, even oral submission. We told counsel that he had at least three days to prepare (that is the weekend and the Monday of 22.8.2022). He, despite this, and despite having asked for leave to file a written submission, took the position that he will not submit. This morning (23.8.2022), counsel again confirmed that he will not be making any submission on the appeal. This again, is in spite of his previous request to file a written submission.

In the circumstances, we cannot but conclude from the above facts that counsel, having been given every opportunity to make submissions on the merits of the appeals, refused to do so.

Duty of the Court in the Absence of Submissions from the Appellant

The question, in light of counsel for the appellant’s refusal to make any submission is, how the Court should proceed with the disposal of these appeals. In this vein, the respondent advanced the following authorities:

(i) Mohd Zulkifli bin Md Ridzuan v Public Prosecutor [2014] 1 MLJ 257;

(ii) Nordin Hamid & Co v Pathmarajah [1990] 2 MLJ 308;

(iii) Go Pak Hoong Tractor and Building Construction v Syarikat Pasir Perdana [1982] 1 MLJ 77;

(iv) Mohamed bin Abdullah v Public Prosecutor [1980] 2 MLJ 201;

(v) Public Prosecutor v Tanggaah [1972] 1 MLJ 207;

(vi) Tan Teow Swee v R [1955] 1 MLJ 76; and

(vii) Hayati bte Aizan v Public Prosecutor [2000] 1 MLJ 359.

The appellant’s counsel distinguishes the above cases on the facts. He invited the Court to consider the case of Lee Kwan Woh v Public Prosecutor [2009] 5 MLJ 301 underscoring his point the denial of his right to submit amounts to a denial of the appellant’s right to a fair trial. He then submitted that this right to a fair trial included a right for counsel to adequately prepare his submission, thereby entitling him to an adjournment. However, Lee Kwan Woh, is not authority for the proposition that an appellant is entitled to an adjournment to prepare an effective and meaningful submission. Unlike Lee Kwan Woh, this is not a case where the appellant was denied a right to submit as suggested by counsel. On the contrary, learned counsel was invited repeatedly to submit but persistently refused to do so. We reiterate our grounds when refusing the prior application for an adjournment.

None of the authorities cited deal with the specific situation where an application for discharge has been refused in the exercise of the inherent jurisdiction of the Court. In other words, not being discharged, Tuan Haji Hisyam Teh is under a continuing duty to protect the appellant’s prosecution of the appeals by submitting on the merits of the same. The authorities cited to us do however deal with cases where the accused himself is (1) absent or (2) left without his counsel or (3) counsel continues to represent the accused but is absent on the day fixed for trial or hearing. It has been held in those cases that the Courts may still refuse to grant an adjournment and may proceed with and dispose of those cases even in the absence of the appellant or counsel. The proceedings in those cases were not vitiated on account of a breach of natural justice.

The principle in those cases, in our view, extends to the present appeals where counsel is present in name and in person but persistently refuses to make any submission despite repeated calls from the Court to do so. This is also supported by section 313 of the Criminal Procedure Code which provides as follows:

“Procedure at hearing

313. (1) When the appeal comes on for hearing the appellant, if present, shall be first heard in support of the appeal, the respondent, if present, shall be heard against it, and the appellant shall be entitled to reply.

(2) If the appellant does not appear to support his appeal the Court may consider his appeal and may make such order thereon as it thinks fit:

Provided that the Court may refuse to consider the appeal or to make any such order in the case of an appellant who is out of the jurisdiction or who does not appear personally before the Court in pursuance of a condition upon which he was admitted to bail, except on such terms as it thinks fit to impose.”.

The above section applies in relation to criminal appeals to the High Court but we see no reason why it ought not to apply analogously to appeals to the Federal Court from the Court of Appeal. The instant appeals mirror a position similar to that envisaged in section 313(2) in that while the appellant and his counsel are physically present, they deliberately refuse to participate in the appeal hearing. This, in our view, is equivalent to the appellant ‘not appearing to support’ the appeals. In such circumstances, the Court is empowered to proceed with the appeals. See also: section 92 of the Courts of the Judicature Act 1964.

Having said that, we shall now proceed to consider the appellant’s appeals by having regard to the appeal records including the petition of appeal setting out no less than 94 grounds of appeal, the submissions filed in the Court of Appeal and the written judgments of the High Court and the Court of Appeal. In so doing, we find it necessary to state the settled role of this Court as the final and apex court of appeal.

The Role of the Apex Appellate Court

We do not consider it necessary to reproduce the charges or repeat any of the facts which have been adequately stated and analysed in the judgments of the High Court and the Court of Appeal. The High Court judgment is reported in Public Prosecutor v Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib bin Hj Abd Razak [2020] 11 MLJ 808 while the Court of Appeal judgment is reported in Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib bin Hj Abd Razak v Public Prosecutor [2022] 1 MLJ 137.

The learned trial Judge undertook an extensive analysis of all the evidence – documentary and oral that surfaced before him over the 86 or so days of trial. The Court of Appeal meticulously examined these findings and found no appealable errors.

The role of the apex Court, as is settled law, is not to make any new findings of fact on the evidence on record or to substitute those findings with its own. In this regard, where there are concurrent findings of fact by the courts below, the apex Court would not be inclined to disturb those findings unless it can be shown that they are perverse, for example, if it can be shown that those findings were made in the absence of any evidence supporting them. See: Puganeswaran a/l Ganesan & Ors v Public Prosecutor and other appeals [2020] 12 MLJ 165.

In light of this, all appellants in criminal appeals must understand that the burden is on them in the apex appellate Court to show that the concurrent findings were perverse and that those perverse findings occasioned a miscarriage of justice. In those circumstances, appellate intervention by the apex Court is warranted to correct those findings, resulting in an outright acquittal or an order for retrial – depending on the circumstances.

In the present case, the respondent took us through their submissions and illustrated how the findings of the trial judge were supported by the evidence. The respondent argued that a prima facie case was validly established at the close of the prosecution case and that the defence, when called, was adequately considered and found not to raise a reasonable doubt on the prosecution case.

The Appeals

In these circumstances, we shall now proceed to state our findings in relation to the appeals. In the absence of any submissions from the appellant, we turn our attention to the 94 grounds of appeal in the petition of appeal. We have examined them carefully and in great detail. In our view they disclose in essence, the following main complaints.

Firstly, that the Court of Appeal erred in fact and in law by finding that the High Court Judge had correctly found that the prosecution had made out a prima facie case on all seven charges.

Secondly, that the Court of Appeal erred in fact and in law by finding that the High Court Judge had correctly appreciated the defence. It was argued that the defence managed to raise a reasonable doubt on all seven charges.

The respondent, over the course of two full days, took us through the evidence and the High Court’s findings in relation thereto. The respondent illustrated how the evidence was so overwhelming that at the close of the prosecution case, the learned trial judge was satisfied in law and in fact that all the ingredients of all the seven charges were satisfied to warrant calling for defence. We have considered these submissions and find that the learned High Court Judge undertook a very detailed and objective analysis of the evidence to support his findings at the close of the prosecution case. In the circumstances, we fail to see how and where any of the learned trial judge’s findings leading to the ultimate finding that a prima facie case had been made out, are perverse. The learned trial Judge correctly held that all the ingredients of the seven charges were established at the close of the prosecution case. The appellant was thus rightly called upon to enter his defence on all the seven charges.

The respondent then took us through the defence case and highlighted how the defence was completely inconsistent and incoherent, and unworthy of belief. During the trial the appellant did not dispute that RM42 million entered his personal bank accounts. The thrust of his defence was to challenge the mens rea element, that is, the appellant denied knowledge that the funds were from SRC.

The respondent maintains that the defence was unworthy of belief because, on the one hand, the defence maintained that the RM42 million said to have been wrongfully gained by the appellant to the wrongful loss to SRC was not within the knowledge of the appellant. On the other hand, the appellant also maintained that he was framed in a conspiracy hatched by one Low Taek Jho (‘Jho Low’), Azlin Alias, Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil, and the bankers. The appellant also maintained the defence that the monies that were credited into his personal AmIslamic bank accounts, i.e. Accounts 880 and 906 which are the subject of the last six charges, were received from Arab Donations from Saudi Arabia. The respondent contended in essence, that they had always maintained at trial that these defences are completely inconsistent and diametrically opposed to one another.

The respondent also referred to documentary evidence which established that the appellant had expended the RM42 million.

According to the respondent, the learned High Court Judge correctly evaluated all the evidence led in relation to the defence and did not believe the defence narrative.

In our judgment, the findings of the High Court on the defence are correct. In concluding that the defence failed to raise a reasonable doubt on the prosecution case, we find that the learned High Court Judge had undertaken a thorough analysis of the evidence produced by the defence.

Thus, we are unable to conclude that any of the findings of the High Court, as affirmed by the Court of Appeal were perverse or plainly wrong so as to warrant appellate intervention. We agree that the defence is so inherently inconsistent and incredible that it does not raise a reasonable doubt on the prosecution case.

In the circumstances, and having pored through the evidence, the submissions and the rest of the records of appeal, we find the appellant’s complaints as contained in the petition of appeal devoid of any merit. On the totality of the evidence, we find the conviction of the appellant on all seven charges safe. We also find that the sentence imposed is not manifestly excessive.


These appeals are therefore unanimously dismissed and the conviction and sentence are affirmed.

Dated: 23rd August, 2022.

Saturday 13 August 2022

Dah, puzzle la pulak

Siap juga akhir. Semua chip in the effort.

Assalamualaikum bloggers and readers..

Friday 5 August 2022

Ingat kena balik awal, tapi berjaya jugak

Assalamualaikum bloggers and readers..

“Bro! Balik awal la kita” aku bergurau dengan classmate sekolah dulu.

“Aku pun baru nak recover demam, dekat 2 minggu dah jugak ni” tambah ayat sambil hint sikit-sikit supaya jangan expect tinggi sangat.

 “ Betul aku rasa kita balik awal kali ni,,aku pun lama tak main, baru 2 hari turun ambil feel atau stroke"

 “Arg!! sudah Bro, aku baru nak harap kau.Suara pun tak ada ni. Kau pun baru  turun main 2 kali ka”

 "A, aa  aku injured lutut 2 tahun dah. Tapi bola dah start main balik dah. Badminton ni baru 2 kali turun"

Ok kita main santai-santai sahaja. For fun. Ok set!!

Sabtu 30 Julai 2022. Alumni anjur kejohanan badminton. 

Tak de kategori-kategori. Semua dihumban dalam satu kategori.


 Patah balik tarikh kebelakang sikit.

Aku hari tu kan on medical leave (MC), penangan influenza A . Dari hari Rabu sampai ke Rabu. Batuk-batuk dan hilang suara masih mengganggu. Batuk berkahak dan merimaskan..


Aku nak call kawan aku kata nak kansel main kot kan masih kurang cergas

 Tapikan, kawan dah book aku sebulan dulu lagi. Patutnya masa kena IA tu aku dah inform.

Tapi infected 20 Julai. Ada 10 hari kot nak baik.

Takkan lah lama sangat demamnya.

 Tapi sampai 28 Julai, Khamis, lagi 2 hari masih belum pulih sepenuhnya. Lama kann..


Hari Khamis tu ingat nak repeat ke klinik kat Gleneagle la pulak

Tapi kerja sampai dekat maghrib, maka tak jadi pergi lagi.

Dalam hati “ Kalau tak baik ni macam mana? “ Game lagi 2 hari.

Stamina semua out. No jogging no badminton 2 minggu lebih. Fitness zero!


“Yang. Esok kena pi klinik/hospital lain pulak. Maybe kena tambah dos ubat kot.” aku ajak Lurvy

 So hari jumaat tu aku pi la hospital.

So ambiklah  anbiotik sehari sebelum tournament.

Wife kata " tak payah la pi main."

“Yang.. ni macam kita dua tau. Takde Yang... macam hilang separuh nyawa. Badminton acara bergu kalau abg tak pi dia mana boleh main sorang.”

“ Eh apahal sampai kesitu contohnya. Macam tak kena ja. Nak pegi main pergi je lah”


 Ok lah.


Main lah seadanya.

Dan opponent umur 2o-an dan 30 -an kot.

Sebab kami yang paling senior.

First game menang! Aih boleh menang?

Second game menang juga. Lah! Tak leh balik awal la ni.

Masuk quarter final menang juga.

Semi final kalah.

LAwan untuk tempat ketiga, menang!

 Itulah. Yang asal-asal nak main santai-santai boleh pulak ke semi dan dapat tempat ke3. Rezeki kami la.

Tak balik tangan kosong.